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Stainless Steel Plate

Alloy 321/321H

Alloy 321 Stainless Steel Food Processing: Equipment and Storage

Materials for construction of food processing equipment and storage must possess characteristics that promote sanitary conditions and resistance to corrosion to prevent food contamination. Because of its ease of cleaning and resistance to intergranular corrosion following exposure to high temperatures, 321 stainless steel is an ideal choice for food processing equipment and storage. Also, 321 stainless steel materials offer flavor protection and are environmentally friendly.

Alloy 321 Stainless Steel Properties

There are many properties that make 321 stainless steel a wise choice for food processing equipment and storage. Alloy 321 has a track record of being used in areas where sanitation is key. The passive film protecting the 321 stainless steel plate surfaces prevents contamination and bacterial growth. Furthermore, Alloy 321’s high resistance to intergranular corrosion results in a material that maintains its structural integrity. Alloy 321 can withstand temperatures up to 1500°F and resists oxidation up to 1500°F while having high stress creep and rupture properties. Type 321 stainless steel can be easily fabricated, making it an ideal material for food processing equipment and storage for high temperature service and where wear conditions are present. Alloy 321 is easily machined and can be processed using standard shop fabrication practices. For more information, see 321 stainless steel’s general properties.

Sandmeyer Steel: The Alloy 321 Stainless Steel Supplier

If your company is in need of stainless steel plate contact Sandmeyer Steel Company today. Sandmeyer Steel, a leading supplier of 321 stainless steel tubing, sheet, plate, pipe, and bar, stocks Alloy 321 in thicknesses from 3/16″ through 4″. Call (1-800-523-3663) or email (sales@sandmeyersteel.com) a sales representative today to obtain information on pricing and shipping.

NOTE: The information and data in this product data sheet are accurate to the best of our knowledge and belief, but are intended for informational purposes only, and may be revised at any time without notice. Applications suggested for the materials are described only to help readers make their own evaluations and decisions, and are neither guarantees nor to be construed as express or implied warranties of suitability for these or other applications.