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Stainless Steel Plate

316H Stainless Steel Plate – High-Strength, Corrosion-Resistant Alloy

A High Carbon Version of 316 Austenitic Stainless Steel making it More Suitable for Elevated Temperature Service.

Available thicknesses for Alloy 316H:

1 1/4"1 1/2"1 3/4"2"

Specification Sheet Overview

for Alloy 316H (UNS S31609) W. Nr. 1.4401:

A High Carbon Version of 316 Austenitic Stainless Steel making it More Suitable for Elevated Temperature Service

200/201 Stainless Steel Company

General Properties

Alloy 316H (UNS S31609) is a high carbon modification of Alloy 316 developed for use in elevated temperature service. The alloy has higher strength at elevated temperatures and is used for structural and pressure vessel applications at temperatures above 932°F (500°C). The higher carbon content of 316H also delivers higher tensile and yield strength than 316/316L and its austenitic structure provides excellent toughness down to cryogenic temperatures.

The corrosion resistance of Alloy 316H is comparable to Alloy 316/316L and is superior to Alloy 304/304L in moderately corrosive environments. It is often used in process streams containing chlorides or halides. The alloy resists atmospheric corrosion, as well as, moderately oxidizing and reducing environments. It also resists corrosion in polluted marine conditions.

Alloy 316H is non-magnetic in the annealed condition. It cannot be hardened by heat treatment, however the material will harden due to cold working. It can be easily welded and processed by standard shop fabrication practices.



ASTM……..A 240
ASME……..SA 240

Chemical Analysis

Weight % (all values are maximum unless a range is otherwise indicated)

Chromium16.0 min.-18.0 max.16.0 min.-18.0 max.16.0 min.-18.0 max.
Nickel10.0 min.-14.0 max.10.0 min.-14.0 max.10.0 min.-14.0 max.
Molybdenum2.00 min.-3.00 max.2.00 min.-3.00 max.2.00 min.-3.00 max.
Carbon0.04 –

Physical Properties


0.285 lbs/in3
8.00 g/cm3

Electrical Resistivity

74 Microhm-cm at 20°C
29.1 Microhm-in at 68°F

Melting Range

2507 – 2552°F
1375 – 1400°C

Specific Heat

0.11 BTU/lb-°F (32 – 212°F)
500 J/kg-°K (0 – 100°C)

Modulus of Elasticity

29.0 x 106 psi
200 GPa

Thermal Conductivity 212°F (100°C)

8.7 BTU/hr/ft2/ft/°F
15 W/m-°K

Mean Coefficient of Thermal Expansion

Temperature Range
°F°Cin/in °Fcm/cm °C
68-21220-1008.9 x 10-616.0 x 10-6

Mechanical Properties

Values at 68oF (20oC) (minimum values, unless specified)

Yield Strength
.2% Offset
Ultimate Tensile
in 2 in.
psi (min.)(MPa)psi (min.)(MPa)%
30,00020575,0005154095 Rockwell B
316H also has a requirement for a grain size of ASTM No. 7 or coarser.

Corrosion Resistance

In most instances the corrosion resistance of Alloy 316H will be comparable to Alloy 316/316L and will have superior corrosion resistance to Alloy 304/304L. Process environments that do not attack Alloy 304/304L will not attack this grade. One exception, however, is in highly oxidizing acids such as nitric acid where stainless steels containing molybdenum are less resistant. Alloy 316H performs well in sulfur containing service such as that encountered in the pulp and paper industry. The alloy can be used in high concentrations at temperatures up to 120°F (38°C).

Alloy 316H also has good resistance to pitting in phosphoric and acetic acids. It performs well in boiling 20% phosphoric acid. The alloy can also be used in food and pharmaceutical process industries where it is utilized to handle hot organic and fatty acids where product contamination is a concern.

Alloy 316H performs well in fresh water service even with high levels of chlorides. The alloy has excellent resistance to corrosion in marine environments under atmospheric conditions.

The higher molybdenum content of Alloy 316H assures it will have superior pitting resistance to Alloy 304/304L in applications involving chloride solutions particularly in oxidizing environments.

Pitting Corrosion Resistance
Crevice Corrosion Resistance
Pitting Resistance Equivalent (PRE) is calculated using the following formula: PRE = %Cr + 3.3 x %Mo + 16 x %N
Corrosion Pitting Temperature (CPT) as measured in the Avesta Cell (ASTM G 150), in a 1M NaCl solution (35,000 ppm or mg/I chloride ions).
Critical Crevice Corrosion Temperature (CCT) is obtained by laboratory tests according to ASTM G 48 Method F.

Fabrication Data

Alloy 316H can be easily welded and processed by standard shop fabrication practices.

Hot Forming

Working temperatures of 1700 – 2200°F (927 – 1204°C) are recommended for most hot working processes. For maximum corrosion resistance, the alloy should be annealed at 1900°F (1038°C) minimum and water quenched or rapidly cooled by other means.

Cold Forming

The alloy is quite ductile and forms easily. Cold working operations will increase the strength and hardness of the alloy and might leave it slightly magnetic.


Alloy 316H can be readily welded by most standard processes. A post weld heat treatment is not necessary.


Alloy 316H is subject to work hardening during deformation and is subject to chip breaking. The best machining results are achieved with slower speeds, heavier feeds, excellent lubrication, sharp tooling and powerful rigid equipment.

TurningHigh Speed SteelCutting Oil6.230.5.01911-1636.1-52.5
TurningHigh Speed SteelCutting Oil3.110.4.01618-2359.1-75.5
TurningHigh Speed SteelCutting Oil1.040.2.00825-3082-98.4
TurningCarbideDry or Cutting Oil6.230.5.01970-80229.7-262.5
TurningCarbideDry or Cutting Oil3.110.4.01685-95278.9-312.7
TurningCarbideDry or Cutting Oil1.040.2.008100-110328.1-360.9
Depth of cut-mmDepth of cut-inFeed-mm/tFeed-in/tSpeed-m/minSpeed-ft/min
CuttingHigh Speed SteelCutting Oil1.5.060.03-0.05.0012-.002016-2152.5-68.9
CuttingHigh Speed SteelCutting Oil3.110.04-0.06.0016-.002417-2255.8-72.2
CuttingHigh Speed SteelCutting Oil6.230.05-0.07.0020-.002718-2359-75.45
Drill ø mmDrill ø inFeed-mm/tFeed-in/tSpeed-m/minSpeed-ft/min
DrillingHigh Speed SteelCutting Oil1.5.060.02-0.03.0008-.001210-1432.8-45.9
DrillingHigh Speed SteelCutting Oil3.110.05-0.06.0020-.002412-1639.3-52.5
DrillingHigh Speed SteelCutting Oil6.230.08-0.09.0031-.003512-1639.3-52.5
DrillingHigh Speed SteelCutting Oil12.480.09-0.10.0035-.003912-1639.3-52.5
Milling ProfilingHigh Speed SteelCutting Oil0.05-0.10.002-.00410-2032.8-65.6
NOTE: The information and data in this product data sheet are accurate to the best of our knowledge and belief, but are intended for informational purposes only, and may be revised at any time without notice. Applications suggested for the materials are described only to help readers make their own evaluations and decisions, and are neither guarantees nor to be construed as express or implied warranties of suitability for these or other applications. Stainless Steel, Nickel Alloy and Titanium products are classified as sheet if the thickness of the metals is less than 3/16” (4.7mm). If the thickness of the metal is 3/16” (4.7mm) or more, then it is considered a plate.