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Titanium Plate

Titanium Grade 2/2H

Sandmeyer Steel Company stocks commercially pure Titanium Plate Grade 2/2H (UNS R50400) in thicknesses from 3/16″ (4.8mm) through 3.5″ (88.9mm). Titanium Plate Grade 2/2H (UNS R50400) is the “workhorse” of the commercially pure titanium family. It offers a combination of high strength, ductility, and outstanding corrosion resistance for many industrial applications.

Titanium Grade 2/2H plate and plate products (UNS R50400) in stock for immediate delivery — .1875″ (4.8mm) through 3.5″ (88.9mm)

Available thicknesses for Titanium Plate Grade 2/2H (UNS R50400):

1 1/4"1 1/2"2"2 1/4"2 1/2"3"3 1/2"

Titanium Plate and Plate Products Grade 2/2H
(UNS R50400) W. Nr. 3.7035

Combines High Strength and Ductility with Excellent Corrosion Resistance

Sandmeyer Steel Company is offering the “workhorse” titanium material from stock in full plates or custom cut sizes. Sandmeyer Steel Company has added titanium plate Grade 2/2H (UNS R50400) to North America’s largest inventory of stainless steel and nickel alloy plate.

Any Way You Want It!
At Sandmeyer Steel Company, we have over 100 pieces of Value Added Plate Processing equipment all under one roof. You can purchase any custom shape or configuration you require to maximize plate yields. We can cut patterns utilizing five-axis abrasive waterjet or bandsaw. We can also offer Machincut rings and discs up to 124″ (3150mm) OD and can drill your tubesheets and baffles through 8″ (203.2mm). We can even have our plates produced into welded pipe, tubing, or structural shapes. Send us your drawings for finished or near-net shape parts, or we’d be happy to sell you full-size plates. At Sandmeyer Steel Company we work with the customer.

Stock Thicknesses

Titanium plate Grade 2/2H (UNS R50400) is available along with our inventory of stainless steel and nickel alloy plate. We maintain the largest inventory of specialty plate in North America — over 15 million pounds! Titanium plate and plate products Grade 2/2H (UNS R50400) are available in thicknesses from .1875″ (4.8mm) through 3.5″ (88.9mm).

Specification Sheet Overview

for Titanium Plate and Plate Products Grade 2/2H (UNS R50400):

200/201 Stainless Steel Company

General Properties

Commercially Pure Titanium Plate and Plate Products Combining High Strength and Ductility with Excellent Corrosion Resistance.

Titanium plate Grade 2/2H (UNS R50400) is titanium plate. It is the most widely-used titanium grade offering an excellent balance of strength and ductility with outstanding corrosion resistance in highly oxidizing and mildly reducing service.

Titanium plate Grade 2/2H (UNS R50400) has slightly lower strength than Titanium Grade 3 (UNS R50550) but is stronger than Titanium Grade 1 (UNS R50250). It has a minimum guaranteed yield strength of 40 ksi (275 MPa). Its corrosion resistance is equal to the other commercially pure plate grades.

Titanium plate Grade 2/2H (UNS R50400) can operate in continuous service up to 800°F (425°C) and in intermittent service up to 1000°F (540°C)

Titanium plate Grade 2/2H (UNS R50400) can be easily welded, machined, and hot and cold worked by standard shop fabrication practices.


  • Aerospace
  • Architectural
  • Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals
  • Chemical Processing
  • Desalination
  • Hydrocarbon Processing and Petrochemicals
  • Marine Service
  • Medical
  • Oil and Gas Processing
  • Ore and Mineral Refining
  • Power Generation — Biomass, Geothermal, Nuclear
  • Pulp and Paper — Bleaching

Material Certifications


Chemical Analysis

Typical Analysis (Weight %)

ElementGrade 2/2H
Oxygen0.25 max.
Nitrogen0.03 max.
Carbon0.08 max.
Iron0.030 max.
Hydrogen0.015 max.
Residual Elements, Each0.10 max.
Residual Elements, Total0.40 max.

Physical Properties


0.163 lbs/in-3
4.51 g/cm-3

Beta Transus (+/- 25°F, +/- -3.9°C)


Thermal Conductivity

12.60 BTU hr-1 ft-1 °F-1
21.79 W m-1 °C-1

Magnetic Permeability


Electrical Resistivity

21 µΩ/in
0.53 µΩ/m

Elastic Modulus

15.2 – 17.4 Msi
105 – 120 GPa
Typical values at room temperature of about 68 – 78°F (20 – 25°C)

Mean Coefficient of Thermal Expansion

Temperature Range
Coefficient of Expansion
68 – 212°20 – 100°4.8 x 10-6in in-1  °F-18.6 x 10-6m m-1 °C-1
68 – 572°20 – 300°5.3 x 10-6in in-1 °F-19.5 x 10 -6 m m -1 °C -1
68 – 932°20 – 500°5.4 x 10-6in in-1 °F -19.7 x 10-6m m-1 °C-1

Mechanical Properties

Typical Room Temperature Mechanical Properties

Tensile Strength
Yield Strength
0.2% Offset

Corrosion Resistance

The corrosion resistance of Titanium plate and plate products Grade 2/2H (UNS R50400) is the result of a strong, stable, protective oxide film layer that forms when the metal’s surface is exposed to oxygen or moisture. The film growth accelerates under strong oxidizing conditions.

The protective film layer of Titanium plate Grade 2/2H (UNS R50400) provides excellent corrosion resistance in many challenging service environments — including oxidizing and organic acids, alkaline solutions, bleaches, wet chlorine, inorganic salts, salt brines, and seawater.

Titanium plate Grade 2/2H (UNS R50400) should not be used in strong reducing acids, anhydrous chlorine, strong caustic solutions, fluorides, or pure oxygen service.

Titanium Plate Grade 2/2H (UNS R50400) – Seawater Erosion/Corrosion
Test Description
Flow Rate (ft/s)
Erosion/Corrosion Rate (mpy)
Brixham Sea, condenser3212 months0.12
Kure Beach, NC, disk282 months0.005
Kure Beach, NC, jet impinge23.61 month0.02
Wrightsville Beach, NC29.52 months0.007
Titanium Plate Grade 2/2H (UNS R50400) Aqueous Media Corrosion Rates
Concentration %
Temperature (°F)
Corrosion Rate (mpy)
Acetic Acid0 – 99.5Boilingnil.
Aluminum Chloride102201.1
Aluminum Chloride25680.04
Ammonium Hydroxide70Biolingnil.
Bismuth/Leadmolten570< 4
Boric Acid10Boilingnil.
Bromine – moistvapor860.12
Chlorine Gas (dry)100140very high
Chlorine Gas (wet) > 1.5% H2O392nil.
Copper Sulfate50Boilingnil.
Ferric Chloride1 – 30212nil.
Formic Acid (aerated)902120.05
Formic Acid (non-aerated)90212118
Hydrochloric Acid11001.2
Hydrochloric Acid5200260
Hydrochloric Acid2095165
Hydrogen Peroxide51502.4
Magnesium Chloride503920.2
Nitric Acid35Boiling5.0 – 20.0
Nitric Acid701581.56
Oxalic Acid10950.58
Phosphoric Acid51510.2
Phosphoric Acid3014039
Phosphoric Acid85707
Stearic Acid100Boiling0.12
Sulfuric Acid5709
Sulfuric Acid257728.3
Sulfuric Acid759541
Sulfuric Acid983921.5

Fabrication Data

Titanium plate Grade 2/2H (UNS R50400) can be easily welded, machined, and hot and cold worked by standard shop fabrication practices.

Hot Forming

Hot forming operations should be performed in the temperature range between 400 and 600°F (204 and 316°C). Care must be taken to prevent the formation of excessive alpha case which should be removed after processing.

Cold Forming

Titanium plate and plate products Grade 2/2H (UNS R50400) can be worked by any conventional cold-forming method at room temperature. Three factors make titanium somewhat different from other metals.

  • Room temperature ductility less than other materials may require more generous bend radii and lower stretch formability
  • Modulus of elasticity is about half that of steel which can cause spring back after forming
  • Galling tendency is greater than stainless steel which calls for close attention to lubrication in any forming operation in which titanium is in contact with metal dies or forming equipment


Titanium plate Grade 2/2H (UNS R50400) can be joined by a variety of welding procedures using titanium filler metal. Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) is the most common welding process for Titanium plate Grade 2/2H (UNS R50400), but plasma arc welding, spot welding, electron beam, laser beam, resistance welding, and diffusion welding can all be utilized. For whichever process that is selected, inert gas shielding techniques must be employed to prevent oxygen pickup and embrittlement in the weld area.


Titanium plate’s Grade 2/2H (UNS R50400) machining characteristics are similar to those of austenitic stainless steels. Low cutting speeds, heavy feed rates, and a heavy dosage of cutting fluids are recommended. Sharp cutting tools and rigid setups are suggested. Given titanium’s tendency to gall, the feeding should never be stopped while the tool and piece are in moving contact. Titanium chips are highly combustible, and precautions should be taken to avoid fire hazards.

NOTE: The information and data in this product data sheet are accurate to the best of our knowledge and belief, but are intended for informational purposes only, and may be revised at any time without notice. Applications suggested for the materials are described only to help readers make their own evaluations and decisions, and are neither guarantees nor to be construed as express or implied warranties of suitability for these or other applications. Stainless Steel, Nickel Alloy and Titanium products are classified as sheet if the thickness of the metals is less than 3/16” (4.7mm). If the thickness of the metal is 3/16” (4.7mm) or more, then it is considered a plate.