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Stainless Steel Plate

Alloy 410

Alloy 410 Stainless Steel Press Plates

In many industrial and manufacturing applications, press plates are under a lot of pressure to perform efficiently. This is why the properties and composition of the plates need to be able to withstand high heat, pressure, and heavy materials. Stainless steel is one of the many materials press plates are typically made of because of its physical and mechanical properties. In addition to its many industrial uses, stainless steel press plates are used in manufacturing a range of products, such as circuit boards for electronic devices, decorative laminates, and more.

One type of general purpose stainless steel, Alloy 410, is an ideal material for press plates. As a 12% chromium martensitic stainless steel, 410 combines high strength and hardness with excellent corrosion resistance, making it the right choice for many applications.

Alloy 410 Stainless Steel Properties

The physical and mechanical properties of type 410 stainless steel provide it the ability to maintain its strength in high-pressure applications. The hardness of 410 measures to 96 Rockwell B and has an ultimate tensile strength of 65,000 psi. In addition to its high mechanical properties, type 410 stainless steel is also suitable for applications requiring moderate corrosion resistance.

Sandmeyer Steel: Supplier of Alloy 410 Stainless Steel

Sandmeyer Steel Company stocks type 410 stainless steel in thicknesses from 3/16” up to 4”. To find out more about this material and its applications, click 410 stainless steel plate. Contact Sandmeyer Steel directly by phone (1-800-523-3663) or email (sales@sandmeyersteel.com) if you’re looking for this type of material, or click here to request a quote on pricing and delivery.

NOTE: The information and data in this product data sheet are accurate to the best of our knowledge and belief, but are intended for informational purposes only, and may be revised at any time without notice. Applications suggested for the materials are described only to help readers make their own evaluations and decisions, and are neither guarantees nor to be construed as express or implied warranties of suitability for these or other applications.