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Industries Served

Nuclear Power, Waste Treatment and Disposal

nuclear waste treatment and disposalNuclear energy is a vital component of our nation’s clean energy strategy. Sandmeyer Steel Company is servicing the nuclear supply chain from top to bottom with the largest inventory of stainless steel and nickel alloy plate in North America.

Our plate products are utilized in all phases of nuclear plant construction, maintenance and waste treatment, storage, and disposal. From safety-related core components to shell plate, tube sheets, baffles and support plates for condensers, pressurizers, and heat exchangers.

From plate for rolled and welded pipe to custom plate flanges for piping systems. From rings, discs, and custom cut shapes for valve pumps and fittings to cut plate for nuclear waste casks and canisters.

Our stainless steel grades finding usage within the nuclear industry are 304L/304, 304CO (restricted cobalt), 316L/316, 317L/317, 321H/321, 17-4PH; duplex grades LDX-2101®, 2205, 2304 and 2507; and superaustenitics 904L and SSC-6MO.

Sandmeyer Steel Company nickel alloy plate products utilized in the nuclear steam system are fabricated from 600, 625, and 800H/800HT.

Our alloys used in waste treatment, storage, and disposal applications include 304L/304, 316L/316, 17-4PH, duplex LDX-2101®, 2205, and 2507.

Whether your requirement is for an existing power plant, new generation III reactor, small modular reactors, or waste treatment, storage, and disposal – Sandmeyer Steel Company is your one-stop shop for stainless steel and nickel alloy plate products for the commercial nuclear power industry.
