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Sandmeyer Steel Blog
Quickmill Annihilator® Machined All Over Drilled Tubesheet Requirement

Three large precision-machined tubesheets made from 5-1/4” thick 316LEZ stainless steel, featuring a series of uniformly drilled holes and flanges, placed on wooden pallets in an industrial setting.Sandmeyer Steel Company provided four finished machined all over and drilled tube sheets on our Quickmill Annihilator® Machining Center for one of our customers.  We utilized our extensive heavy plate inventory, and then our skilled machine operators processed all four 5.000” (+.030/-.000) thick x 49.500” (+/-.030) diameters from 5-1/4” 316LEZ Stainless Steel stock.

This material was our E-Z Drill material in 316LEZ Stainless Steel allowing us to optimize our speeds and feeds while extending insert tool life.  Sandmeyer plasma cut the blanks, machined the OD, and machined both faces, each side with a raised face.

Our Quickmill Annihilator® Machining Center drilled over 1030 tube holes 0.758” diameter to a critical tolerance of +/-.002”.  Finally, after drilling thirty 1.500 diameter bolt holes, Sandmeyer added a milled linear groove across one face through the center of the tube hole pattern.


Providing you with solutions and one-stop shopping for your tough Stainless Steel, Nickel Alloy, and Titanium plate and plate products needs is what we do.


Sandmeyer’s Edge

Let us tackle your next straight cut or beveled product, and you’ll get the “edge you need” from Sandmeyer Steel Company, the premier supplier of Stainless Steel, Nickel Alloy, and Titanium plate and plate products. We offer drilling, bandsaw cutting, abrasive waterjet cutting, plasma cutting, Machincut rings and discs up to 124″ OD (3150 mm), and laser-cut products through 1.25″ (31.8 mm) – all under one roof. When matched with our 18 million pounds of plate inventory, Sandmeyer Steel Company provides you with the “edge.”

Quickmill Annihilator

Quickmill Annihilator Machined All Over Drilled Tubesheet
